Sure can. Just head over to our Facebook page and you can keep up to date with all the latest developments. 

Yes, you can use two different bikes for the downhill and uphill bike stages (2 and 5, respectively). We highly recommend that you use a bike with good brakes and tyre grip on the downhill stage. Good (easy) gearing is a bonus on the uphill stage. Remember to keep left (unless you are overtaking a slowcoach). 

Not at the moment. Whilst we love E-bikes and what they are doing for the infirm and ancient members of our society, we are not yet at the point where we want to see competitors laughing all the way to the Coronet Base Building finish. Nope, we prefer the serious faces of athletes in deep…..contemplation.

Unfortunately not. Every piece of equipment you use on the course (other than kayaks and spraydecks supplied by us for Tandem pairs and School teams) is YOUR responsibility and you need to ensure it is in the right place at the right time. You also need to ensure that all items are removed in a timely fashion from transition areas. Last year we had a colossal amount of ‘lost property’ left at various points on the course. Anna’s garage sale, the weekend after the event, was her most successful ever. Please do your bit to keep our wee piece of paradise as clean and tidy as possible. 

Yes. If that transport is a helicopter and you have council permission to land at all designated transition areas. For everyone else, it is more realistic to require at least 2 vehicles/persons managing support crew roles. Given that space in some transition areas is tight and that we all want to do our bit for the environment, it would make a lot of sense to ‘buddy’ up with other teams/vehicles to share support/rides to key areas – such as up to the start at The Remarkables. Please note that once the race has started, the ski field road down from the Remarkables will be closed to traffic until the road is clear of downhill bikers. Support crews will not be permitted to travel past descending bikers and are therefore unlikely to reach TA2 (Frankton Beach) before their competitors. 

No. Not even if it’s a really cool one with in-built quadraphonic speakers and magical defogging capabilities. You must wear a bike helmet (securely fastened) at all times whilst riding a bike at the Peak to Peak. This law applies to all cyclists in New Zealand. Interestingly, it doesn’t apply to riders of other types of cycle such as unicycles, tricycles, quadricycles. So if we have any clowns entered, you’re good to go. Oh and penalties for not wearing a proper cycling helmet are instant disqualification from the event and a $55 fine, if the cops can catch you. 

No, you need a dedicated ski or boarding helmet for stage 1. 

No, your race bib will allow you ‘one ride’ access on to the chairlift to the start. Supporters or support crew are welcome to travel up the lift to the start location but they need to be on skis/board and have purchased their own lift pass from NZSki. 

Intermediate or above. The course will be set by The Remarkables ski patrol (depending on snow conditions) and will be a mixture of off-piste and on-piste trails. Your first time on skis is definitely not meant to be at the Peak to Peak race!

Yes. Important information about the day will be announced and it is important that everyone attends. We might also hand out some spot prizes at the briefing too. 

No. It is your responsibility to have sufficient hydration for the race. There is always the possibility that there will be  some sports drinks available but best to organise your own feed and drink requirements. 

Ooh, hold on, let’s check the tea leaves….erm, who knows. While early spring time temperatures are generally in the low teens, the event takes place in an alpine environment and weather can change at any time and very quickly, so please be prepared for all weather conditions on the day. It could be very cold. It could be warm but it won’t be hot. The lake could be windy and it is always chilly. It’s easier to strip down than strip up….in fact, we’re not sure stripping up is even a thing. 

The legendary Peak to Peak trophies were forged by Sauron himself, in the year SA1600, within Sammath Naur upon Mount Doom (or, ‘The Remarkables’ as locals call it). Given the rare and priceless value of these trophies, they are only given out to the most discerning winners. Namely; fastest Solo Female and fastest Solo Male; fastest Tandem Pair; fastest Team; fastest Business Team. Remember, these trophies are not available in the shops and can only be won by vanquishing your foes on the slopes of Queenstown’s most scenic locations.

Everyone. Hey, this is the 21st century and we love celebrating mediocrity as much as everyone else in this crazy world. Actually, that is incorrect. We applaud everyone who gives this tough wee event a crack but do like to acknowledge those competitors at the front who are a bit less hopeless than everyone else. Our gorgeous medals will be handed out to all place getters (1st to 3rd) in every race category. 

Prizegiving kicks off at Coronet Peak base building at 4.45pm sharp and will be wrapped up by 6.00pm. It’s a fantastic chance to enjoy the view, reflect on a brilliant day and look on with deep envy as your fiercest rivals parade their priceless trophy. 

Sure can. Pizzas are the go. Beer and soft drinks are also on sale. Business Teams can enjoy their complementary food that is included in their entry fee.  

No. Survival of the fittest applies both during the race and for the seating arrangements at prizegiving. 

No. Queenstown Bay Beach is located in the heart of the town. Though there is a reasonable amount of free and paid parking within walking distance of the beach. It would help to have 2 support crew members to relocate the kayak from the beach to your car park.

Yes. However, safety boats are there for emergency purposes only. Every kayaker should have a correctly fitted, fully done up and modern (free of defects), buoyancy aid/PFD. 

No. Please park carefully, look out for kids and other people around you. Do not block road junctions or private driveways. Give yourself plenty of time to get to transition areas as parking is often tight with few options available. When you arrive at the ski fields obey all instructions from NZSki staff on where you can park. 

Bring your competitors, skis/board and bike for stages 1 and 2, right up to the drop off zone at the top area next to The Remarkables base building. Disembark efficiently and take your equipment away to transition 1. Do not desert your vehicle. Parking should be for a few minutes only. If you need longer, drop your competitor and gear and then head down to Car Park 1 (or where parking available) and walk back/catch the complimentary bus shuttle. 

Absolutely not. The Remarkables Road is closed for vehicles during the race. It will quickly reopen for downhill traffic once the last rider is through transition 1. 

Yes, but it is limited and there are always a lot of vehicles trying to get close to the beach to drop off kayaks. Be careful when driving around the beach as there are lots of people/kids running around. 

No feeding/supplying/watering the competitors outside of transition zones. This rule will be strictly enforced. Guilty parties will be banished from the District. 

No. Take away your best memories and ask your support crew to get the odd nice shot with their phone. 

Please leave your dogs relaxing at home. Whilst we love Man’s Best Friend, they are not permitted at either ski area and can make things tricky in hectic transition areas.

No. Please visit the course section of the website to get more information about the various stages of the event. Any changes to the course (perhaps, due to inclement weather) will be outlined at the pre-race briefing. 

Unlikely. The event has not been cancelled yet in its long history. That said, there is always the chance that a particularly nasty day may invoke some course changes for safety purposes. Course changes and weather updates will be outlined at the pre-race briefing. 

No. All kayaks (and other race equipment in any transition area, for that matter) should be removed within 1hr maximum of a competitor leaving on the next stage.